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EIT ICT Labs' partner iMinds invites you to join the iBoot contest.

Have a brilliant idea but looking for the right technology to turn it into a real business?

You might be one of those great minds having an idea with absolute market potential. But keeping up with modern technology is crucial for your plans to succeed. Now, there’s a fair chance that this is the part where you get stuck.

iBoot is here to offer you the right solution.iBoot is a series of workshops to help iMinds' researchers and external idea owners discover the potential of their idea through hands-on training & coaching. 

The target audience for iBoot is twofold:
 1. iMinds' researchers who are involved in projects or research activities that have the potential to go to market. iMinds' projects originate from a specific market need or have yet to be discovered market potential. iBoot is the first step to valorise research results.

2.External idea owners who have a great idea but still need the technology to make it into a real business. That's where iMinds can make the match with our research expertise. Basically everyone with an idea who's looking for the right technology is welcome!

Think your idea needs this extra technology boost? Hurry up! The deadline is 24 February! 

REGISTER now for iBoot 2014.You can win a 5-day bootcamp in London. More information has to be found on the website.



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Co-Funded by the European Union