Events Archive

The first EIT ICT Labs Entrepreneurs Club’s event will take place in Trento where three outstanding Italian entrpreneurs in the field of ICT will talk about their lessons learned in building their companies in Italy.

Fabrizio Capobianco, President Funambol, will talk about how he raised more than 20M$ of venture investments in the US.

Stefano Spaggiari, CEO Expert System, will explain how he brought a semantic technology company from Italy to the international market.

Augusto Coppola, will discuss which are the most common mistakes of a beginner entrepreneur and how to avoid them.

In the afternoon, Fabrizio Capobianco will also explain how his company, Funambol, is making money with Open Source software.

More info on the Trento rise website
This is a free event, but pre-registration is required, please click here

The event will be in Italian but live English translation will be available. A video documentation of the event will be made available in the EIT ICT Labs network.

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