Events Archive

“Bourse aux technologies” (Technology Open Market ) is an event organized by Institut Telecom twice a year together with Seventure, a major VC fund, Adelit and participation of CEA, INRIA, CNRS, and INSA. Fifteen «out of lab ready » technologies, on a given thematic, are presented by researchers to one hundred High Tech SMEs CEOs and fifteen Venture Capitalists.

At the event on June 14th the theme is cross media (multi format compression, metadata, semantic analysis, content adaptation, collaborative editing, tablet architectures, connected TV, document format, channel optimization).

This year the event is open to EIT ICT LABS partners, and include a side session on Support to Tech Transfer Methodology organized by INRIA (Technology Transfer catalyst).Participants from other nodes are warmly welcome to present a technology with corresponding demo; this will be a potential bootstrap for future larger events.

The event Format is from 5 pm till late at night and includes Elevator Pitches + Panel discussion with Industry Representatives+ Demos (beyond poster demos). 

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Co-Funded by the European Union