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As a finale of the first year of the Master School students at KTH a Labs Day unconference was organised at the Stockholm CLC to share ideas and startup projects with the wider ecosystem of hackers, designers, researchers and potential business partners. 

The Labs Day gathered some 20 people at the CLC which was a little less than expected but it gave the day a more intimate setting and many dynamic discussions in smaller groups. The format of the day started with an open agenda where participants posted their topics to the grid and then gathered interested parties on the theme. 

Topics varied from Soft Skills training, Who is the winner – apps or mobile websites, Social collaboration, Outage, How to start a project in Android development and business idea presentations. 

The nonprofit organisation STIMDI, that is a meeting place for anyone interested in usability, human computer interaction and design, was co-hosting the event and brought useful feedback to the Labs Day. Some brought business experience, others programming skills, and some student projects were demonstrated to get response on usability and improvements. 

One or the EIT ICT Labs Master School student projects were also presented on the Health Hack Day some weeks later and received great feedback and interest. The Runtroll app is a running app for Android that makes it fun to run. You can sign up for a beta test or get updates on the progress at

Another EIT ICT Labs Master School idea is formed by the Aurora team and the concept has the working name SparkIT. This project team has identified the need for a platform for potential, existing and alumni students to share information on EIT ICT Labs Master School in ICT Innovation. They received support by Coursio, a Swedish company providing a tool for education interaction on content, used in the courses in Innovation and Entrepreneruship in the programme.  

Overall the day was successful and more unconference events will be organized in the future. However there were also several points for improvement using open forums such as and reach out to a larger audience. If you are interested – please look for news  from the Stockholm CLC via the web, social media, email newsflashes and soon via a CLC app.


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