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Twitter #DataGrant selections

Researchers of EIT ICT Labs partners University of Twente and TNO are selected by Twitter for the Twitter DataGrant. The DataGrant means that the winning research institutes will receive Twitter data on a subject described by them in the proposal. This data is expressed in Tweets. 

Last February Twitter introduced the Twitter #DataGrants pilot programme, with the goal of giving a handful of research institutions access to Twitter’s public and historical data. More than 1,300 proposals from more than 60 different countries were submitted. The #DataGrant award gives the researchers at UT and TNO access to free data sets in order to move forward with the following research: "The Diffusion And Effectiveness of Cancer Early Detection Campaigns on Twitter".

The 6 selected winners of the Twitter #DataGrants are:
•Harvard Medical School / Boston Children’s Hospital (US): Foodborne Gastrointestinal Illness Surveillance using Twitter Data
•NICT (Japan): Disaster Information Analysis System
•University of Twente (Netherlands): The Diffusion And Effectiveness of Cancer Early Detection Campaigns on Twitter
•UCSD (US): Do happy people take happy images? Measuring happiness of cities
•University of Wollongong (Australia): Using GeoSocial Intelligence to Model Urban Flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia
•University of East London (UK): Exploring the relationship between Tweets and Sports Team Performance

The research team
The research project of the University Twente and TNO aims to study the diffusion process and effectiveness of cancer early detection campaigns. The University Twente and TNO collaborate in this research project from various departments and faculties. It is Tijs van den Broek (TNO Institute IGS), Michel Ehrenhard and Ariana Need of the Institute IGS and Djoerd Hiemstra of the Institute CTIT/Commit.

Read this news topic of Twitter Engineering
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Read this news topic on the website of Commit

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Co-Funded by the European Union