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On December 17, 2014, the Madrid CLC organised an outreach event to present the EIT ICT Labs Master School and its offer of post-graduate programmes to prospective students and representatives of Spanish and Portuguese universities.

The Master School provides the highest level of international academic education in ICT with the additional Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) modules that enable the students to develop their own innovative ideas into new, marketable products and services. The overall goal is to boost the EU entrepreneurship, and thus strengthen the basis of the economy grounded in innovation and technology.

Manuel Hermenegildo (Director of IMDEA Software Institute, and Director of the EIT ICT Labs Madrid Associate Node), and Juan José Moreno Navarro (Vice-Rector of UPM), hosted the event and explained the general guidelines of the Master programmes. UPM participates in the programme as an affiliate university in Spain, together with other 19 top-level European technical universities.

The two-year Master programme is organised in eight technical majors, each executed by two distinct European universities.

In addition to a full scholarship, summer school attendance, real professional experience in top IT companies, and mentoring for development of personal and team business projects and start-up creation, the graduates will receive a double degree from the implementing universities, and an official certificate in innovation and entrepreneurship from ICT Labs.

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Co-Funded by the European Union