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Patrick Essers, director EIT Digital for the Netherlands

Patrick Essers, director EIT Digital for the Netherlands

Hungarian Business Network at the EIT Digital Co-Location Centre in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Hungarian Business Network at the EIT Digital Co-Location Centre in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Recruitment of top ICT professionals is a problem for growing companies. This was the view of Patrick Essers, director EIT Digital for the Netherlands after a roundtable organised jointly by EIT Digital and the Hungarian Business Network (HBN) in the Netherlands. He concluded that " is part of the solution."

To goal of the roundtable was to bring together outstanding IT entrepreneurs of Hungary and the Netherlands alongside other interested stakeholders such as the Head of the Office of Economic Affairs at the Hungarian Embassy the Netherlands. The event is part of an overall objective shared by HBN and EIT Digital to stimulate investment and cooperation between Hungary and the Netherlands through informal and interactive gatherings.

Prezi's global director of customer care Zoli Radnai and Balázs Varró from Ustream, both Hungarian companies, addressed the issue of hiring good people. Ustream, which was recently acquired by IBM, began trading as a startup in Hungary. Both companies have now become world-players.

According to Essers, education is key for guaranteeing enough digital talent in future. That's why education is one of the main pillars of EIT Digital's strategy for the coming years. Its foundation is built on the vision that technical skills of young talent should be complemented by entrepreneurial skills. This concept applies to all of EIT Digital's programmes in its Master, Doctoral and Professional Schools.

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