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EIT Digital Doctoral School graduation
EIT Digital Doctoral School graduation

Today EIT Digital granted degrees to 13 students who have successfully completed the EIT Digital doctoral programme. This is the second cohort to graduate from the EIT Digital Doctoral School, which aims to train Europe’s future digital leaders.

More European STEM graduates end up pursuing careers in industry rather than academia (source: Eurostat). The EIT Digital Doctoral School aims to train these students to be leaders in industry by offering students an extensive innovation and entrepreneurial training (I&E) in addition to technical training. Additionally, doctoral candidates are provided with an industrial internship that allows them to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during the Doctoral School Programme.

The EIT Digital Doctoral school was established in 2012. There are currently 125 students studying at seven EIT Digital Doctoral Training Centres (Budapest, Helsinki, Madrid, Paris, Rennes, Sophia-Antipolis and Trento), which are run in cooperation with 18 partner universities in Europe. Last year, the first 15 students successfully completed an EIT Digital PhD programme. These graduates are employed in academia in major corporations or have started their own companies.

Prof. Willem Jonker, CEO of EIT Digital, states: “We offer our wholehearted congratulations to our second cohort of EIT Digital PhDs who are well prepared to enter the labour market with their technical and I&E knowledge. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours and look forward to following their progress as they lead Europe’s digital transformation.”

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Co-Funded by the European Union